Holiday Planning Strategies for Cannabis & Hemp/CBD Industry

By Spokes Digital (other events)

Thursday, November 12 2020 9:30 AM 10:30 AM PDT

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed so much of our lives in 2020. It has altered the way we communicate with our friends, family and colleagues; the amount and the way we consume media; and even the way we shop. Marketing strategies have had to change as well, and when it comes to holiday campaigns, this is no time to just repeat what you did last year. But how can we prepare for Q4 now, when everything is still so uncertain?

So what key elements are needed for a winning holiday strategy? It all has to do with the timing, laying the groundwork ahead of time with rich content, balancing the promotional calendar, and capitalizing on any momentum generated.

In this webinar we will cover -

1. Types of Holiday period Campaigns

2. Components of a Winning Holiday Strategy

3. The Changing Ecommerce Landscape & Strategies to help brands adjust to the new trends

4. E-commerce vs Brick & Mortar

5. Reporting and Analytics during Holiday Campaign

Join our webinar:

Date: Thursday, November 12th, 2020, at 9:30 am PDT

Hosts: Varun Patel (Founder & CEO of Spokes Digital, Inc.) and Lauren Laplante (CGO of Spokes Digital, Inc.)



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